ipcs 指令

Linux常見的IPC方式有下面幾種方式, ipcs指令可以幫助查看ipc資訊

Different Types of IPCS

There are various IPC’s which allows a process to communicate with another processes, either in the same computer or different computer in the same network.
  • Pipes – Provides a way for processes to communicate with each another by exchanging messages. Named pipes provide a way for processes running on different computer systems to communicate over the network.
  • Shared Memory – Processes can exchange values in the shared memory. One process will create a portion of memory which other process can access.
  • Message Queue – It is a structured and ordered list of memory segments where processes store or retrieve data.
  • Semaphores – Provides a synchronizing mechanism for processes that are accessing the same resource. No data is passed with a semaphore; it simply coordinates access to shared resources.

 source: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/08/ipcs-command-examples/



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