
目前顯示的是 9月, 2014的文章

自己動手做OS, micro kernel develop on Beagleboard-XM(ARMv7) lab3 Initialize stack pointer and printk

lab3,Happy Moon Festival!!!  We'll study how to initial stack  and add a printk function for debug in lab3. 終於有點空閒時間了,大家中秋節快樂, 這個例子練習了ARM在開機時initial stack的部份, 並加入了一個printk的功能,以便日後debug.  I just give some notes for now. start.S  - __vector_reset will invoke when boot,  it will initialize stack pointer then clear bss section  and then invoke plat_boot function to print helloworld. 開始後會跳到__ vector_reset去進行stack initial的動作 ,然後初始化bss段,跳到 plat_boot去動作。 boots.c It will print helloworld and invoke test_printk function. 會印出helloworld並呼叫 test_printk。 source code download (原始碼下載): https://github.com/tzuCarlos/v1OS.git further study: Jserv's CuRTOS give us a nice ARM boot asm example, we'll need to disable MMU, setup stack, timer, interrupt and some hardwares. though bootloader already did some during boot, but for portal reason, a nice OS still need to initial by itself. 請先看Jserv大,寫的CuRTOS的啟動程式部份,裡面有很詳細的註解,不過今天我們只有做stack的配置。 https://github.com/jserv/CuR